Broadcast Systems (Colored)

This broadcast system produces a sealed seamless floor composed of different grades of Silica Sand aggregates and is finished with a colored topcoat which is available in smooth or non-slip finishes. This system is available in a wide range of colors, patterns, designs and can be applied from 3mm to 5mm depending on the requirements. The Silica aggregates used in this system is smaller than the troweled version and provide a textured finish.

Where to Use

  • Animal care facilities
  • Correctional facilities
  • Corridors and assembly areas
  • Food processing areas
  • Locker and shower rooms
  • Service bays and car washes


  • High abrasion and impact resistance
  • Good chemical resistance
  • Improve thermal shock resistance
  • Variety of slip-resistant surface profiles
  • Does not support growth of bacteria
  • Neutral odour

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